Mediating effect of job satisfaction on talent engagement and employees’ commitment in the Nigerian Civil Service

  • Aminu Abdulrahman Anas Department of Public Administration, Centre for Distance Learning and Continuing Education, University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja 902101, Nigeria
  • Ejikeme Emmanuel Isichei Department of Business Administration, University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja 902101, Nigeria
Ariticle ID: 3405
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Keywords: job satisfaction; talent; employees; commitment; Nigeria; civil service


The Nigerian Civil Service faces ongoing challenges in optimizing employee commitment, which is fundamental for efficient service delivery and societal progress. Hence, this paper focuses on the mediating effect of job satisfaction on talent engagement and employee commitment in the Nigerian Civil Service. The study adopted a quantitative approach, which allowed for a survey design to be adopted. A sample of 198 middle- and lower-level managers in the civil service was used. Questionnaires were used for data collection, and SmartPls 3.9 was used for data analysis. The result showed that talent engagement significantly predicts employee commitment and that job satisfaction is a good mediator in the relationship between talent engagement and employee commitment in the Nigerian Civil Service. The findings suggest that creating an engaged workforce through talent engagement can have a positive influence on employee commitment within the public sector, which can result in improved public services and contribute to overall societal development.


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How to Cite
Anas, A. A., & Isichei, E. E. (2024). Mediating effect of job satisfaction on talent engagement and employees’ commitment in the Nigerian Civil Service. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(3), 3405.