Development of scale and model for evaluating the individual performance appraisals—Process in public management
The need for strategic alignment within HR management increased managers’ concern about individual behavior and how this behavior was related to the achievement of goals. In public management, effectively managing employees’ performance has been necessary since Weber’s bureaucratic administration. The individual performance appraisal is the right tool to assess employees’ competencies. Thus, we proposed the following research question: Which factors, as pointed out by theory, have the most significant influence on the individual performance appraisal process? The quantitative method was applied to answer this question, developing and testing a scale via EFA and a hypothetical model via SEM-CB. The results indicated a scale with 25 items able to access the main points of the IPA process and a hypothetical model with 7 constructs that indicate the influence on employee engagement. The main finding is the significant influence of feedback on the whole process. The main theoretical contribution was the construction of the MIPAS scale, and the practical contribution was to identify the points where managers should focus on improving the IPA process with their subordinates.
Copyright (c) 2024 Leonardo Ferreira Bezerra, Ettore de Carvalho Oriol, Marcus Brauer

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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