Team commitment and performance of construction project in Nigerian construction industry

  • Femi-favour Olabode Olasunkanmi Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental Science, Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
  • Abimbola Abiodun Femi-favour Nigerian Christian Institute, Vice Principal (Academic), Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
  • Udeme Jeremy Okon Department of Educational Foundation, Guidance and Counselling, National Open University of Nigeria, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Article ID: 3402
Keywords: team member; project organisation; project manager; Nigeria; project delivery; success


Project success requires team commitment, which is a product of an encouraging culture of cooperation and teamwork among project team members. The research work aims to ascertain which components of team commitment affect the performance of construction projects in Nigeria. The research adopted a quantitative design where questionnaires were used for data collection. Out of 1233 questionnaires distributed, 975 were received with valid responses and used for data analysis. Data were analysed descriptively using percentage, mean score, and relative agreement index. The study showed the factors of team commitment having an effect on project performance, as rated by the respondents, to be: Normative component: “Project team members owe a great deal to this organisation”; “Members of the project team do not feel it is right to quit the project before completion”; “This organisation has a great deal of personal meaning for project team members”. Affective component: “This organisation deserves the loyalty of project team members”; “The project team considers the team’s problems as their own. Then, “One of the few negative consequences of leaving this organisation will be the scarcity of available alternatives” is for continuance. In conclusion, the emotional attachment of the team members and sense of obligation to the project team and construction organisation are the driving forces behind pushing for the successful outcome of projects within the Nigerian construction industry.

How to Cite
Olasunkanmi, F.- favour O., Femi-favour, A. A., & Okon, U. J. (2024). Team commitment and performance of construction project in Nigerian construction industry. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(4), 3402.


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