Re-contextualising human resource management in the 4IR: Lessons for Lesotho

  • Mildred Mahapa Department of Business Administration, National University of Lesotho, PO 180 Roma, Lesotho
  • Maletsoela Ellen Mahao Department of Business Administration, National University of Lesotho, PO 180 Roma, Lesotho
  • Lenyora Sesinyi Department of Business Administration, National University of Lesotho, PO 180 Roma, Lesotho
Article ID: 3397
Keywords: 4IR; digitalisation; human resource; technology


Indeed, the 4th industrial revolution (4IR) has redefined the world of work. A new set of skills needs to be defined and made available to organisations. Human resource management practices now operate in a complex, interconnected, unpredictable, and evolving environment. The question that one needs to answer is: how can HR align its functions to meet the demands of the fourth IR? It is prudent that human resource functions evolve quickly and adapt to changing demands. Research purpose: This paper seeks to unpack the changes that have been brought about by the 4IR and suggest ways in which HR professionals in Lesotho can align with this inevitable era of digitalisation. Motivation for the study: Due to the dynamics and transformations that have been brought about by the 4IR, this study was motivated by the need to understand the effects of the 4IR in small economies on the HR function and offer lessons to embrace change. Research approach: The research was qualitative in nature, and data was collected purposefully from journal articles, newspapers, and book chapters. Content analysis was used for the data analysis. Research findings: The effects of the 4IR through digitalisation disruptions have been felt across all corporate functions, and HR is no exception. It has had a massive influence on both the economy and the labour force and impacted employee roles in terms of health, mobility, working hours, personal life, and general administration. HR leaders play a critical role in ensuring that businesses are able to successfully adopt and deploy new technologies. Contributions: The research unpacks the effects of 4IR and gives practical lessons for HR professionals in Lesotho.

How to Cite
Mahapa, M., Mahao, M. E., & Sesinyi, L. (2024). Re-contextualising human resource management in the 4IR: Lessons for Lesotho. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(3), 3397.


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