Entrepreneurial motivation as a determinant of women success in micro small and medium enterprises: A case of Jambi City of Indonesia

  • Heriberta Heriberta Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jamb, Jambi 36361, Indonesia
  • Nurdiana Gaus Graduate School, Management of Higher Education, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ridwansyah Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jamb, Jambi 36361, Indonesia
  • Dwi Hastuti Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jamb, Jambi 36361, Indonesia
  • Ade Octavia Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jamb, Jambi 36361, Indonesia
Article ID: 3388
Keywords: entrepreneurial motivation; micro small and medium enterprises; women entrepreneurial; microfinancing; Indonesia


Entrepreneurial motivation has been one psychological factor that determines the success of MSMEs as it interacts with external factors. However, this has been scarcely studied in relation to women and the success of MSMEs. This study aims to analyze the effects of motivation and external factors on the success of women running MSMEs in the province of Jambi, Indonesia. A survey research methodology through the distribution of questionnaires on the motivation scale and the success of the MSMEs scale that were constructed by the authors was applied. The rating scale of the questionnaires was rated on a five-point Likert scale. A total of 325 women running MSMEs in Jambi City were given and returned the questionnaires. The results showed that motivation, which is comprised of self-confidence, risk-taking, results-orientedness, intelligence, and skills, has a significant effect on the success of MSMEs. Meanwhile, the success of MSMEs is significantly more affected by time and length of effort than loans or funds due to the decreasing trend of demand for goods and services.


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How to Cite
Heriberta, H., Gaus, N., Ridwansyah, M., Hastuti, D., & Octavia, A. (2024). Entrepreneurial motivation as a determinant of women success in micro small and medium enterprises: A case of Jambi City of Indonesia. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(1), 3388. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i1.3388