Burnout, workaholism and their consequences

  • Anja Bandelj Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
Article ID: 3379
Keywords: administrative units; banks; burnout; workaholic; workaholism


Burnout and workaholism, known to decrease efficiency and lead to depersonalisation, have negative effects on both employees and organisations. The survey aimed to analyse the correlation between burnout and workaholism among selected employees in the public and private sectors in Slovenia. The goal was to compare the results obtained in the administrative units and at the two selected banks. Various methodological approaches were employed, including statistical tests such as multivariate analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests, Spearman’s rank-order correlation coefficient, and the Mann-Whitney U test. Survey results indicate statistically significant differences between employees in administrative units and those in two banks. Workaholism is higher among employees in administrative units than at banks. Positive correlations were found between workaholism and the two dimensions of burnout, both among employees in administrative units and in the selected banks.

How to Cite
Bandelj, A. (2023). Burnout, workaholism and their consequences. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(2), 3379. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v5i2.3379


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