Determining quality of hire, the holy grail of recruitment: A structuration perspective

  • Debolina Dutta Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru 560070, India
  • Chaitali Vedak Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru 560070, India
Article ID: 3373
Keywords: quality of hire; strategic human resource management; talent acquisition; structuration theory; recruitment


Purpose: This research paper aims to justify the need for the Quality of Hire (QOH) construct as a value-adding focus for strategic human resource management (SHRM). The traditional focus on efficiency and cost-oriented recruitment metrics overlooks the importance of QOH in providing a competitive advantage and delivering long-term value. The study expands the economic theory of human resource development and develops a profit-building concept relevant to SHRM by exploring the practices that enable QOH in organizations. Design: The study utilizes a case-study method to examine a target firm’s mechanisms to build QOH in its recruitment process. It applies a structuration theory lens to analyze the behavior of various actors, their agencies, and the continuous interplay between structure and action in enabling QOH. Findings: The findings suggest that assessing and building measures for getting QOH is a complex task for organizations due to the inherent reliance on lag measures such as performance and tenure. The study highlights that QOH can be enabled through changes in the firm’s recruitment practices. Originality: This paper contributes to recruitment research in two significant ways. First, it expands on the under-researched construct of QOH, providing clarity on its definition and importance. Second, it identifies lead practices that organizations can incorporate into their recruitment and selection processes to enable QOH. By using a structuration theory lens, the study explores how actors in the recruitment process adapt and align with new structural rules to enable QOH. Research implications: The research builds on the structuration theory in recruitment and selection and exhorts practitioners in organizations to move beyond efficiency-oriented recruitment practices and focus on practices that contribute to QOH. By considering post-hire outcomes, such as job performance and long-term retention, organizations can improve their talent acquisition and retention strategies, creating long-term value for the organizations.

How to Cite
Dutta, D., & Vedak, C. (2023). Determining quality of hire, the holy grail of recruitment: A structuration perspective. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(2), 3373.


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