Organization resilience and organizational commitment: The roles of emotion appraisal and psychological safety

  • Helena Lee The University of Newcastle, Australia, Singapore Campus, Singapore 188064, Singapore
Article ID: 3371
Keywords: emotion appraisal; emotional regulation; organizational commitment; psychological safety; resilience


Purpose: The study examines the mediating effect of self-emotion appraisal and other-emotion appraisal on psychological safety, individual resilience, and organizational commitment at the workplace. Design/methodology/approach: This study generated 140 survey responses from workers in diverse occupations and industries during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed-methods data analysis was conducted. Hierarchical regression analysis was employed to test the hypotheses, and process macroanalysis was used to generate the mediation analysis. Qualitative data analysis through thematic coding was adopted to interpret the respondents’ written opinions and narratives. Findings: The results revealed that self-emotion appraisal strongly correlates to resilience, but evaluation of self-emotion has no effect on organizational commitment. Other-emotion appraisal and psychological safety are not significant predictors of resilience at the workplace. Rather, psychological safety is a significant predictor of organizational commitment. The qualitative analysis generated from the respondents’ narratives provides deeper insight into the quantitative results. Additional data that emerged from the qualitative interpretation revealed other factors that are related to emotional appraisal, psychological safety, resilience, and organizational commitment. Practical implications: The findings shed light on the need to understand an individual’s emotional appraisal when instilling workplace resilience. Further, promoting psychological safety, such as by involving employees in the change process, managing fairness perception, and eliciting trust, enhances organizational commitment in the workplace. Integrating open communication, management intervention, and coaching programmes should form part of the employee engagement and development functions to help build organizational resilience and commitment. Originality/value: This research is an original contribution conducted during the global health crisis that led to abrupt changes in the workers’ lives and the workplaces in Singapore. Research implications: This present study demonstrated constructive findings on emotion regulations and perceived psychological safety associated with resilience and commitment amid the disruptive changes in work practices at the workplace. Further, the outcome of the study shows the mediating effect of self-emotional appraisal on psychological safety and resilience. The result draws parallels with past literature that showed that individuals who appraised their emotions tended to recalibrate and recognize their subjective behaviour and take actions to modify it. Social implications: Emotion regulation connotes employees’ emotion coping strategies, and research showed that emotion reappraisal produces a positive effect on workplace relationship quality. 


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How to Cite
Lee, H. (2023). Organization resilience and organizational commitment: The roles of emotion appraisal and psychological safety. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(2), 3371.