Managers’ perspective of corporate entrepreneurship in Serbia

  • Ljiljana Kontic University MB, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade 11110, Serbia
  • Violeta Domanovic University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics, Kragujevac 34000, Serbia
Ariticle ID: 3362
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Keywords: innovation; strategy; corporate entrepreneurship; CEAI model; Serbia


The main purpose of this study is to investigate how management support affects corporate entrepreneurship. Based on the extensive literature on corporate entrepreneurship in developed countries and a review of past research, the study filled a gap by investigating phenomena in a transition environment. The subject of the study is specific organizational factors in corporate entrepreneurship. Analysis was conducted using the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI), completed by 287 respondents from selected companies. Respondents identified gender, educational level, and managerial position in the companies. The following statistical methods have been used in this study: Cronbach’s alpha, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), principal component analysis, and regression analysis. The results revealed that the questionnaire could be used for investigating the internal factors of corporate entrepreneurship in a Serbian context. There were no gender- or educational-level differences in the assessment of corporate entrepreneurship. However, there was a significant difference between top and middle-level managers in the assessment of key factors of corporate entrepreneurship. Implications for theory and practice: The research was once again confirmed, as was the CEAI. This is especially important because the research was conducted in the very specific context of a country—Serbia. Also, the research indicated that this specific research context may have partially changed the picture of organizational factors in corporate entrepreneurship without compromising the general validity of the model. Originality and value: To reveal the potential of the use of CEAI in specific environments.


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How to Cite
Kontic, L., & Domanovic, V. (2023). Managers’ perspective of corporate entrepreneurship in Serbia. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(2), 3362.