Navigating the intersection of sustainability and intelligent automation: Opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs

  • Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu College of Business, American University of Malta
Ariticle ID: 3360
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Keywords: entrepreneurship, sustainability, intelligent automation


The business world is currently undergoing a significant shift towards sustainability and intelligent automation, which presents both promising prospects and formidable hurdles for business owners. The increasing demand for sustainable goods and services, driven by pressing social and environmental issues, opens doors for entrepreneurs to establish companies that address these concerns. Moreover, automation and technological advancements have revolutionized the operational landscape of firms, providing entrepreneurs with novel opportunities to enhance efficiency and foster creativity. However, thriving in this dynamic environment necessitates a fresh skill set and innovative approaches. Entrepreneurs must actively acquire the requisite technological expertise to leverage the potential of intelligent automation while navigating the intricate legislative and social frameworks surrounding sustainability. Furthermore, they must demonstrate agility and adaptability, adept at pivoting strategies and offerings to align with the evolving business panorama. This study’s exploration of the intersection of automation and entrepreneurship resonates deeply with the principles of sustainability. By dissecting the challenges and strategies entrepreneurs use to embrace automation, the research contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on feasible business practices within a burgeoning sustainability. The findings will assist policy makers by providing useful information to cultivate an environment conducive to sustainable, technology-based entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
Moşteanu, N. R. (2023). Navigating the intersection of sustainability and intelligent automation: Opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(1).