Brand innovation, brand relationship, brand commitment, quality of customer interaction, and behavioral intention in hotels

  • Kevin Murphy Department of Food Services and Lodging, Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32819, USA
Ariticle ID: 3355
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Keywords: hotel; brand innovation; brand relationship; brand commitment; behavioral intention; customer interaction


Branding in the hotel industry is vital to promoting a positive guest business relationship. Branding leads to trust and loyalty and consequently to repeated purchase behavior, and it can help the organization differentiate from its competitors. This study examines the connection between brand innovation, brand relationship, brand commitment, behavioral intentions, and quality of customer interaction in the hotel industry. The results provide compelling evidence for the proposed relationships between brand innovation and the other four variables. This is the only study focusing on the effect of brand innovation on these variables in the hotel industry.


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How to Cite
Murphy, K. (2023). Brand innovation, brand relationship, brand commitment, quality of customer interaction, and behavioral intention in hotels. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(1), 3355.