The impact of environmental transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior (case study: Municipality of 22nd district of Tehran)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior through the mediating role of perceived meaningful work in Tehran District 22 Municipality. The study population in this study is the employees of the municipal district of District 22 of Tehran. The number is about 400 people, and the sample size was obtained according to Cochran’s 196 formula. The research method in the present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of implementation method. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the normality of the data, which proved with 95% confidence that the variables had an abnormal distribution. Therefore, due to the abnormality of the data distribution, Pls software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that environmental transformational leadership has an effect on organizational citizenship behaviors.
Copyright (c) 2023 Mojtaba Karimi, Mohammad Hosein Tabesh, Mohamamd Taghipour

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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2. Mahboobi M, Taghipour M, Azadeh MA. Assessing ergonomic risk factors using combined data envelopment analysis and conventional methods for an auto parts manufacturer. Work 2020; 67(1): 113–128. doi: 10.3233/WOR-203257
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4. Khalilpour M, Kamyabi Y, Nabavi Chshmi SA, Taghipour M. The impact of accountant’s ethical approaches on the disclosure quality of corporate social responsibility information an Islamic perspective in Iran. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald 2018; 1: 1173–1181. doi: 10.32461/2226-3209.1.2018.178689
5. Mirzaie F, Nazari AA, Zargham Boroujeni H, Taghipour M. The relationship between social bearing capacities with conflict as a result, in the perception of the visiting historical sites. Journal of Investment and Management 2015; 4(6): 403–408.
6. Alamdar Khoolaki M, Naami A, Taghipour M. Effect of integrated marketing communication on brand value with the role of agencys reputation (including case study). Journal of Process Engineering 2019; 5(11): 30–44.
7. Taghipour M, Safari M, Bagheri H. A survey of BPL technology and feasibility of its application in Iran (Gilan Province). Science Journal of Circuites, Systems and Signal Processing 2015; 4(5): 30–40. doi: 10.11648/j.cssp.20150405.11
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10. Taghipour D, Vosough A, Azizi D, Abdi J. Insurance performance evaluation using BSC-AHP combined technique. Journal National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald 2018; 4: 112–120. doi: 10.32461/2226-3209.1.2018.178687
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12. Taghipour D, Ganji F, Zolfagharijoo A, et al. The identification and prioritization of effective indices on optimal implementation of customer relationship management using TOPSIS, AHP methods (case study: Pasargad bank). Management, International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2020; 3(4): 43–60. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2020.34004
13. Taghipour M, Yazdi H. Seismic analysis (non-linear static analysis (pushover) and nonlinear dynamic) on Cable-Stayed Bridge. American Journal of Civil Engineering 2015; 3(5): 129–139. doi: 10.11648/j.ajce.20150305.11
14. Taghipour D, Barzegar P, Mahboobi M, Mohammadi S. Investigating the relationship between competitive strategies and corporates performance (case study: Parsian Banks of Tehran). Management, International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2020; 3(4): 13–28. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2020.34002
15. Taghipour M, Moosavi SA. A look at gas turbine vibration condition monitoring in region 3 of gas transmission operation. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology(JECET) 2020; 9(3): 423–432. doi: 10.24214/jecet.C.9.3.42332
16. Rahamni M, Vaziri Shams S, Abedi V, Taghipour D. Providing health, safety and environmental management (HSE) program in metal mining industry (including case study). International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2021; 4(3): 14–35. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2021.43002
17. Taghipour M, Vaezi M. Safe power outlet. Electrical Science & Engineering 2020; 2(4): 5–10.
18. Tarverdizadeh H, Taghipour M, Nezamivad S. Predicting students’ academic achievement based on emotional intelligence, personality and demographic characteristics, attitudes toward education and career prospects through the mediation of academic resilience. Scientific Journal of Education Research 2021; 16(65): 171–186.
19. Azarian R, Taghipour D. The impact of implementing inclusive quality management on organizational trust (case study: Educatin). Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies(JMESS) 2020; 6(7): 3376–3383.
20. Ghadamzan Jalali A, Habibi Machiani H, Taghipour M, Moshtaghi S. Explain the relationship between intellectual capital, organizational learning and employee performance of Parsian Bank Branches in Gilan province. Educational Administration Research Quarterly 2020; 10(2): 127–142.
21. Mohammadi S, Taghipour M, Mahboobi M. Investigating the role and impact of using ICT tools on evaluating the performance of service organizations. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management 2021; 37(1): 1–26. doi: 10.52547/JIPM.37.1.1
22. Abdi Hevelayi A, Safarian Hamedani S, Yusefi Saeed Abadi R, Taghipour M. Predicting entrepreneurial marketing through strategic planning (including case study). Educational Administration Research Quarterly 2019; 10(2): 127–142.
23. Arsalani M, Esmaeilkhoo H, Taghipour D. Investigating the effect of social media marketing activities on brand awareness. International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2021; 4(2): 18–31. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2021.42002
24. Khorasani Z, Taghipour M. The location of industrial complex using combined model of fuzzy multiple criteria decision making (including case study). International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review (IJISRR) 2020; 2(7): 268–280.
25. Taghipour M, Sharifzadeh S, Seraj F. Risk assessment and analysis of the state DAM construction projects using FMEA technique. Trends in Life Sciences an International Peer-Reviewed Journal 2015; 4(2).
26. Hoseinpour Z, Taghipour M, Hassan Beigi J, Mahboobi M. The problem solving of bi-objective hybrid production with the possibility of production outsourcing through Imperialist Algorithm, NSGA-II, GAPSO Hybid Algorithms. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 2021; 12(13): 8090–8111.
27. Taghipour M, Ahmadi Sarchoghaei J. Evalation of tourist attractions in Bourujerd County with emphasis on development of new markets by using Topsis Model. Science Journal of Business and Management (Science PG) 2015; 3(5): 175–189. doi: 10.11648/j.sjbm.20150305.16
28. Hashemi N, Ohadi Digesaraei D, Taghipour M. The effect of personal factors on increasing the productivity of low-level employees in the General Welfare Department of Tehran Municipality. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Research 2023; 2(6): 238–241.
29. Safdarpour S, Pourkhosravani P, Taghipour M. The effect of government support on innovation ability (including a case study). Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Research 2023; 2(6): 233–237.
30. Ganjali R, Negaresh Z, Taghipour M. Strategic analysis of household hazardous waste reduction. International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM) 2023; 11(4): 1–10.
31. Taghipour M, Safdarpour S, Taherian P, et al. The impact of managerial factors on increasing the productivity of low-level employees (including case study). International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM) 2022; 5(2): 16–21. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2022.52001
32. Ganjali R, Ohadi Digesaraei D, Taghipour M. Investigating the relationship between environmental awareness and the level of education and occupation of people. International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM) 2023; 11(4): 11–15.
33. Baghipour Sarami F, Bozorgi Amiri A, Mououdi MA, Taghipour M. Modeling of nurses’ shift work schedules according to ergonomics: A case study in Imam Sajjad (As) Hospital of Ramsar. Journal of Ergonomics 2016; 4(1): 1–12. doi: 10.20286/joe-04011
34. Moradi Lalekaei M, Taghipour Talesh M, Nazari M, Karimi M. Measurement of the country of origin of the brand of branding and brand loyalty. International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2022; 5(1): 40–47. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2022.51006
35. Taghipour M, Jafari S, Rajabzadeh Mirak Abad S, Mahboobi M. Investigating the effect of intelligent ordnance on the level of learning/teaching (including case study). In: Proceedings of the Fourth Comprehensive and National Conference of Resistive Economics; 17 November 2018.
36. Taghipour M, Daneshfard K, Sedaghatmanesh A, Soleimani Delarestaghi S. The study of the effect of smart schools on the level of learning-teaching in high school. In: Proceedings of 5th National Conference Applied Economics & Management; 13 July 2018.
37. Taghipour M, Karimi M, Shirin M, Nikseresht H. The impact of motives from obtaining ISO 9001 certification on organization performance (including case study). In: Proceedings of 5th National Conference Applied Economics & Management; 13 July 2018.
38. Yaghoubi SJ, Sedaghatmanesh A, Taghipour M, et al. Students learn and learn using the effects of smart schools. International Journal of Management and Sustainability 2018; 1: 36–50.
39. Taghipour M, Habibi MH, Amin M. The impact of working capital management on the performance of firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology 2018; 7(6): 24–32.
40. Jedinia A, Taghipour M, Mahdavi H, Shirin M. The effect of capital management on the performance of companies in the Stock Exchange (SG). In: Proceedings of the International Conference Applied Research Managemet & Industrial Engineering; 2018.
41. Habibi MA, Fooladi TY, Savarrakhsh M, Taghipour M. Designing a smart model for managing Iranian chain stores based on business intelligence (case study of proma chain store). International Technology and Science Publications (ITS) 2021; 4(1): 1–18. doi: 10.31058/j.mana.2021.41001
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