Is there a need for employee protection processes in U.S. organizations today? A comparative study to assess the progress of procedural and distributive justice systems today versus unionization

  • Steven Cates School of Business and IT, Purdue University Global, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
  • Jason Jackson School of Business and IT, Purdue University Global, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
  • Carrie O’Hare School of Business and IT, Purdue University Global, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
Article ID: 3348
Keywords: procedural justice; distributive justice; unions; employee relations; human resources management


This research study was undertaken to complete a comparative study of the seminal work conducted by Anderson and Ruderman on procedural and distributive justice systems versus unionization. This research was conducted in 2023. The main focus of this research effort was to determine if current U.S. organizations were utilizing any form of justice system in protecting employees’ rights and providing processes that would prevent employees from having a desire to join a union for its protections. Parts of the original survey used by Anderson and Ruderman were used in this study to address the research questions and hypotheses posed for this study. A statistical analysis of the data was conducted, and the results indicated employees have a need for protection in their employment relationship. It is suggested that procedural and distributive justice systems be implemented as an alternative to unionization of employees to meet these employee protections.


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How to Cite
Cates, S., Jackson, J., & O’Hare, C. (2024). Is there a need for employee protection processes in U.S. organizations today? A comparative study to assess the progress of procedural and distributive justice systems today versus unionization. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(1), 3448.