Relationship between human resource management practices and employee's job performance in selected private Health Care Sector, Selangor, Malaysia
Human resource management practices are crucial, especially in the private healthcare sector. This could be because managing personnel in the healthcare sector is particularly challenging; therefore, meeting every employee's needs is crucial. Recently, the healthcare sector has experienced a scarcity and unbalanced distribution of employees due to job turnover. In addition, employee performance in the private healthcare sector has shown a slight drop due to the dissatisfaction of employees toward human resource practices such as unattractive compensation and rewards packages, bias in performance appraisal, lack of training and development, and many more. Therefore, this study is conducted to examine the impact of human resource practices on employees' job performance. Specifically, there are three main human resource practices observed as factors that contribute to an employee's job performance. The three human resource practices are compensation and benefits, performance appraisal, and training and development. There were four private hospitals operating in Selangor, Malaysia, chosen as a sample for this study. The private hospitals are KPJ Selangor Specialist Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital Puchong, Assunta Hospital PJ, and Sunway Medical Centre. Out of these four private hospitals, there were about 291 employees working at the front desk: nurses, clinical workers, and administration staff were chosen as respondents in this study. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents by hand. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 29. The findings indicate that employee job performance in Malaysian private hospitals is positively correlated with compensation and benefits. Employees feel motivated by compensation, which encourages them to increase their production and work more efficiently. Additionally, the findings also suggest that performance appraisal and training and development significantly contribute to employee job performance.
Copyright (c) 2023 Nurhafizah Zainal, Nor Nazeranah Omar Din, Chandramalar Munusami

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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