Misconduct Policy
PiscoMed Publishing takes zero tolerance for academic unethical behaviors. Manuscripts will be rejected at any stage upon verification of misconduct.
The publisher will not accept any plagiarized work. We feel a strong obligation to support the scientific community in all aspects of research and publishing ethics. We use Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate to check manuscripts’ originality prior to peer review. In the case where authors have used someone else’s or own previously published work/words, they should be properly attributed through appropriate citation. Any detection of overlapping and similar texts in the manuscripts will be considered plagiarism, thus leading to the rejection of the submission.
Fabrication and falsification
The publisher upholds the integrity and fairness of scientific research, and any potential of data fabrication or data falsification is a very serious unethical academic behavior that the publisher is determined to eliminate. Authors are advised to provide all raw data for this research work, including but not limited to, submitting it at the manuscript submission stage or uploading the dataset to a data repository. It is important to note that the academic reputation of authors in the international community will be greatly affected if they are found to have falsified or fabricated their data.
Duplicate submission
The publisher does not consider manuscripts that are under consideration by other journals, and multiple submissions at the same time are discouraged.
Disclosure of conflict of interest aims to avoid potential manipulation of the peer review process.
Editors may have serious ethical issues if they did not disclose the COI quite frankly. Once the manipulation is verified, the editors will be excluded from processing any manuscripts and not allowed to serve as editors for the publisher.
Reviewers are discouraged from manipulating unreasonable citation of their works. The editorial office has a threshold for the number of citations from reviewers.
Authors should not allow excessive citations of their previous works. Similarly, a threshold is set here for authors' self-citation of their work.
The publisher takes academic misconduct seriously. Everyone has the right to complain to the publisher. Once the complaint is verified, all the authors’ institutes will be informed, and all the journals in the publisher will not receive any new manuscripts from these institutes in the following 3 years. Authors, reviewers, and editors should adhere to a scientific attitude of integrity, cherish their academic honor, and work together to promote the progress of scientific research in the community.