Cultivation of Students' Cultural Pragmatic Competence in College English Translation Teaching

  • Honglan Liu Enshi Polytechnic
Article ID: 901
Keywords: College English, Translation Teaching, Cultural Pragmatic Competence


The effective way to cultivate college students' cultural pragmatic competence is to put forward detailed operational measures at the micro level of classroom teaching mode. The awareness of cultural pragmatics throughout the whole teaching process can be awaken by adopting cultural contrast teaching method, task-based teaching method and practical teaching method. In addition, it is also necessary to put forward macroscopic requirements on classroom teaching management, so as to strengthen students' English communication ability and consolidate knowledge. This paper analyzes in detail the effective strategies of cultivating students' cultural pragmatic competence in the process of efficient English translation classroom teaching from the following three aspects, namely constructing diversified teaching methods, enriching students' knowledge reserve with the support of knowledge and theory, and rationally selecting and compiling English teaching materials.

How to Cite
Liu, H. (2020). Cultivation of Students’ Cultural Pragmatic Competence in College English Translation Teaching. Learning & Education, 9(1), 33-35.
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