Report on Research Results of the Effective Teaching Model of Senior English Reading in Minority Areas under the New Curriculum Standard

  • Lili Zhou Xingyi No.1 High School of Guizhou Province
Article ID: 885
Keywords: Senior School English, Reading, Effevtiveness, Ethnic Minorities


Effectiveness has been one of the major problems that perplexed teachers in teaching senior English reading. There is still much work to be done to improve the effectiveness of teaching English reading and to increase the enthusiasm of students and teachers based on the characteristics of minority areas. Under the new curriculum standard, teachers in minority areas should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, stimulate students' enthusiasm in learning English, and make English classes interesting and attracting for students.

How to Cite
Zhou, L. (2020). Report on Research Results of the Effective Teaching Model of Senior English Reading in Minority Areas under the New Curriculum Standard. Learning & Education, 9(1), 25-28.
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