Speexx Autonomous Learning systems and universities The process evaluation of English education+

  • Shumin Bai
Article ID: 368
Keywords: College English Education, Procedural Evaluation, Evaluation Body, speexx System, Man-machine


 The greatest difficulty in implementing a process assessment is to follow the learner's learning process , Record , Real-time feedback and corrections , in the human ( teacher or learn live ) as evaluation principal , These difficulties are difficult to resolve . Cloud-based speexx System not only can you actually test foreign language learning People's language communicative abilities , Effective training and improvement of learners ' foreign language skills , can also be tracked all in real time , Record and timely feedback , Supervision . based on data feedback , This article says that learners should be masters of machines , instead of the slave of the machine .

How to Cite
Bai, S. (1). Speexx Autonomous Learning systems and universities The process evaluation of English education+. Learning & Education, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v2i1.368


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