Dual Spiral Coupling of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of Chaohua Blowing Song in China

  • Yunlong Cai* Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College
  • Jingfeng Wang Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College
Article ID: 3573
Keywords: Intangible Cultural Heritage; Rural Revitalization; Chaohua Blowing Song; Protection and Utilization; Inheritance


Taking Chaohua Blowing Song as an example, this paper explores the “dual spiral coupling” relationship between the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage and rural revitalization, Firstly, it introduces the history, cultural connotation, and current status of Chaohua Blowing Song. Secondly, it expounds the close relationship between the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage and rural revitalization, pointing out that protection and utilization can promote rural revitalization, and rural revitalization also relies on the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage. Finally, it puts forward strategies and suggestions for the protection and utilization of Chaohua Blowing Song, including establishing protection mechanisms, strengthening inheritance education, and promoting innovative utilization.

How to Cite
Cai*, Y., & Wang, J. (2024). Dual Spiral Coupling of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of Chaohua Blowing Song in China. Learning & Education, 13(3). Retrieved from https://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/L-E/article/view/3573


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