A Study on the Correlation Between Overseas Study Experiences of Chinese University Faculty and Innovations in Their Teaching Methods

  • Fang Wang Department of Performing Arts, Kede College of Capital Normal University
Article ID: 3552
Keywords: University Faculty; Overseas Study Experience; Teaching Method Innovation; Academic Exchange


This paper investigates the relationship between the overseas study experiences of Chinese university faculty and the innovation of their teaching methods. Through a comprehensive literature review, the study explores the impacts of overseas study on teachers’ educational beliefs, professional identity, and academic capabilities, as well as the implications for teaching method innovation. The findings indicate that overseas study experiences can broaden academic horizons, transform teaching concepts, enhance innovative awareness and practical skills, thereby promoting innovations in teaching content, formats, and assessment methods.

How to Cite
Wang, F. (2024). A Study on the Correlation Between Overseas Study Experiences of Chinese University Faculty and Innovations in Their Teaching Methods. Learning & Education, 13(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/L-E/article/view/3552


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