The Implementation Path of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture Education in Vocational Chinese Language Teaching

  • Liu Meng Kam blue education company
Article ID: 3530
Keywords: higher vocational education; Chinese language teaching; Traditional culture; Humanistic literacy


Chinese traditional culture is not only a treasure of wisdom for the Chinese nation, but also the foundation that influences the formation of Chinese ideological and moral values. Integrating traditional culture into vocational Chinese language teaching helps to strengthen the understanding and inheritance of traditional culture among vocational college students, enhance their cultural confidence, and cultivate their humanistic literacy. However, in the current process of integrating traditional culture into vocational Chinese language teaching, there are still typical problems such as schools and teachers not paying enough attention to traditional culture education, dull teaching methods, and deviations in the understanding of traditional culture among vocational college students. Therefore, this article proposes strategies for integrating traditional culture into vocational language teaching to address these issues.

How to Cite
Meng, L. (2024). The Implementation Path of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture Education in Vocational Chinese Language Teaching. Learning & Education, 13(1).


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