Exploration and Practice of the Teaching Reform of Inorganic Chemistry in University

  • Xiao Sang Zibo Vocational College
Article ID: 3438
Keywords: University, Inorganic Chemistry Teaching, Reform, Practical Exploration


At present, China is in the critical period of educational reform. Under the guidance of the new curriculum, inorganic chemistry teaching in universities is facing some reform, which can improve students’ learning ability. Most of the traditional inorganic chemistry teaching in universities adopts the method of average to control the teaching progress and speed, but this teaching method can not meet the psychological needs of students. This paper mainly explores the advantages and methods of Inorganic Chemistry Teaching Reform in univer_x0002_sities.
How to Cite
Sang, X. (2024). Exploration and Practice of the Teaching Reform of Inorganic Chemistry in University. Learning & Education, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v12i1.3438


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