Learning from older groups View the development of China's aging education

  • Liping Mao
Article ID: 342
Keywords: Aging group, Learning Status, Aging Education author Mao Liping, vice researcher of Wenzhou City University


The summary article is based on the data of a city's aged population participating in the study questionnaire . , An empirical analysis of the learning situation of the elderly group . knot fruit show , The age group has a weak awareness of learning rights , Learning participation is low , Education for senior Citizens List _, narrowing of teaching content , Home , Club Low Acceptance of old-age learning , the legal system of aging education is not perfect . speeding up the development of China's aging education , to combine current age group Body Learning status and social reality , on the basis of reference to foreign advanced experience , propose strategic thinking and macro countermeasures .

How to Cite
Mao, L. (2019). Learning from older groups View the development of China’s aging education. Learning & Education, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v6i2.342


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