Feminist education goes into college English study spy Hall [1] -- An example of an intensive text

  • Lily Wei
Article ID: 330
Keywords: feminist, Male-Power Society, English Teaching, language Learning


Language learning classes for college English majors , How to play language as a cultural carrier , The speculation of the students at the same time as the basic skills of language learning and Research Capabilities , Enhancing participatory awareness of sociocultural issues , is exploring language teaching reform ,To enable this major student to serve the community through language skills one bar Important Path . English majors mostly , Introducing feminist research perspective into English language learning , is an ideal entry point for practicing the above ideas . This article passes a case study to show that feminist education go into English learning class , can be a combination of college students ' language Learning and cultural research , Teacher Research and teaching phase An example of a combination .


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How to Cite
Wei, L. (2018). Feminist education goes into college English study spy Hall [1] -- An example of an intensive text. Learning & Education, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v6i2.330