Informatization Construction of College English Learning Platform Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

  • Hai-ou Wang Jilin International Studies University
Article ID: 3288
Keywords: Particle Swarm Optimization, College English, Learning Platform, Information Construction


The application of information technology in the education industry is more and more extensive, so that students can achieve remote autonomous learning. Internet-based English teaching platforms are diverse, providing knowledge learning, online testing and other functions. But from the current situation, there are some problems, such as the lack of strong pertinence and self-adaptability, the lack of test selection strategy, and the lack of analytical ability. In view of the problem that the English learning platform does not have the ability to record user history learning information, every learning situation of students is recorded into the database, and the current learning situation of students is analyzed based on particle swarm optimization algorithm, and specific learning suggestions are given, so as to improve the efficiency of students’ autonomous learning.
How to Cite
Wang, H.- ou. (2022). Informatization Construction of College English Learning Platform Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. Learning & Education, 10(9), 253-254.


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