Research on the Characteristic Development of Specialized Colleges from the Perspective of Popularization

  • Aiping Wu Institute of Higher Education, Dalian Jiaotong University
Article ID: 3285
Keywords: Popularization, Specialized colleges, Characteristic development


As a special group in the higher education system, specialized colleges play an important role in the process of diversification of higher education. China's higher education has entered the stage of popularization, which brings unprecedented challenges to the operation of specialized colleges and on the other hand, ushers in a broad prospect for the development of the specialized institutions. In view of the general trend of popularization of higher education, it is worth exploring how to develop their own characteristics and make rational strategic choices.
How to Cite
Wu, A. (2022). Research on the Characteristic Development of Specialized Colleges from the Perspective of Popularization. Learning & Education, 10(9), 245-246.


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