Living Customs and Taboos in Major Asian Countries

  • Haoyuan Li Irvine High School
Article ID: 3278
Keywords: Living Customs, Taboos, Asian Countries


Asia is the continent with the largest area and the largest population among the seven continents, and the land spans the cold, warm and hot three zones, and the terrain is complex, with different climate types. Asia is also the birthplace of the three major religions. It has a long history and carries the world On the oldest cultural tradition, there is no doubt that Asians and their cultures represent the most important chapters in human history. Due to the influence of various factors such as terrain, climate, culture, and ethnicity, many countries in Asia have their own cultural customs and taboos.
How to Cite
Li, H. (2022). Living Customs and Taboos in Major Asian Countries. Learning & Education, 10(9), 231-232.


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