The Application of Information Technology in University Education Management

  • Jiaxun Yang Lyceum of the Philippines University
  • Fei Jin Fujian Musicians Association
Article ID: 3276
Keywords: Information technology, University education, Teaching management, Application research


With the continuous development of science and the rapid development of modern information technology and the Internet, information technology has been gradually improved and started to be applied in the field of education. Colleges and universities must constantly play the role and benefits of information technology in education and training, improve the quality of college education and teaching, and better play the role of information technology in the management of college education and teaching. In this context, this paper discusses the use of information technology in university education and teaching management to better promote the development of university education and teaching management.
How to Cite
Yang, J., & Jin, F. (2022). The Application of Information Technology in University Education Management. Learning & Education, 10(9), 227-228.


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