Thoughts on the Integrated Development of New Media and E-commerce

  • Haoxue Xie Huaqiao University
Article ID: 3265
Keywords: Integrated development, New media, E-commerce


The arrival of the new era not only provides a broader platform for new media and e-commerce, but also has a great impact on their development mode. The increasing maturity of Internet technology provides more powerful support for the development of e-commerce, and also makes the renewal of traditional e-commerce marketing model an inevitable trend. This paper first analyzes the inevitable trend of new media e-commerce, then studies the impact of new media e-commerce on people and society, and finally puts forward some problems in the combination of new media and e-commerce.
How to Cite
Xie, H. (2022). Thoughts on the Integrated Development of New Media and E-commerce. Learning & Education, 10(9), 205-206.


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