The Current Development and Prospects of Musical Theatre in China

  • Min Li Qilu University of Technology
Article ID: 3252
Keywords: Musical theatre, Development, Prospect


Musical theatre is a comprehensive stage performance art form derived from the integration of drama, music and dance. Musical theatre originated in England in the 19th century, and its prototype can be traced back to the operetta, comic opera, black opera, etc. The main performance venues are on Broadway in the United States, and it is here that musical theatre has been rapidly developed and innovated, and has gradually come to the world stage. When musical theatre was developed in China, it also began to innovate in form, gradually localized, combined with the Chinese market demand, and more inclined to meet the Chinese art appreciation habits. The innovation in the local development of musical theatre in China will surely usher in a broader development prospect.
How to Cite
Li, M. (2022). The Current Development and Prospects of Musical Theatre in China. Learning & Education, 10(9), 179-180.


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