A Preliminary Study on the Enlightenment of Mathematical Philosophy to Mathematics Educators

  • Zhuofan Zhong Hangzhou Normal University
  • Lingcheng Xu Hangzhou Normal University
  • Jiale Xu Hangzhou Normal University
  • Yanling Wang Hangzhou Normal University
Article ID: 3250
Keywords: Philosophy of mathematics, Objectivity, Subjectivity, Mathematical culture


The debate on the objectivity and subjectivity of mathematics is a debate in the philosophy of mathematics.The origin of philosophy of mathematics can be traced back to the Pythagorean school in ancient Greece,and philosophy of mathematics continues to this day with its unique charm.Through the discussion of the objectivity and subjectivity of mathematics,this paper better applies the philosophy of mathematics-to-mathematics education and lays a solid theoretical foundation for its own mathematics teaching in the future.
How to Cite
Zhong, Z., Xu, L., Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2022). A Preliminary Study on the Enlightenment of Mathematical Philosophy to Mathematics Educators. Learning & Education, 10(9), 175-176. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3250


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