Analysis of Export of Animation Products in China

  • Yajun Meng School of Economics, North China University of Science and Technology
  • Qing Han School of Economics, North China University of Science and Technology
  • Yichen Meng School of Economics, North China University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 3248
Keywords: Animation industry export, Industrial chain, Development trend, Countermeasures and suggestions


With the advocacy of cultural self-confidence in the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the cultural industry has become the focus of a new strategic industry. In the cultural industry, animation, as a carrier of culture, is increasingly showing its own unique value in the world of Wanzhong Entertainment. The article concluded that China’s animation industry has experienced relatively large fluctuations in exports in recent years. Generally speaking, exports the quantity is constantly increasing, but the export income is showing wavy changes.It predicts its future development trends and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.
How to Cite
Meng, Y., Han, Q., & Meng, Y. (2022). Analysis of Export of Animation Products in China. Learning & Education, 10(9), 171-172.


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