A Review of the Status of English in Hong Kong

  • Tianrong Li Beijing Institute of Technology
Article ID: 3246
Keywords: Status of English, Hong Kong, Bilingualism


The status of English in Hong Kong has been controversial. Scholars like Luke, Richards and David Li have made their efforts to reach some groundbreaking discoveries. However, since 1999 when David Li updated his survey, Hong Kong has witnessed significant changes in all social sectors in the past 20 years. This made this issue more complicated yet interesting. People have good reasons to be concerned about the status of English in Hong Kong, in that it may influence Hong Kong’s future development. In this paper, the status of English in Hong Kong and the possible reasons that render its present status will be analyzed.
How to Cite
Li, T. (2022). A Review of the Status of English in Hong Kong. Learning & Education, 10(9), 167-168. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3246


[1] Jack C.Richards,(2005)Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

[2] Use of Language in HK.Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics.June 2014.