Empirical Research on the Teaching of Art and Design Courses based on the Concept of Cultural Nurturing

  • Chao Liang Shanghai Polytechnic University
  • Tan Yu Shanghai Ocean University
  • Bingyang Xi Shanghai Polytechnic University
  • Zhe Liu Shanghai Polytechnic University
Article ID: 3234
Keywords: Foster virtue through education, Cultural Nurturing, Art and Design, Curriculum Reform


In 2020, the Ministry of Education proposed a new liberal arts construction program that emphasizes the formation of national cultural consciousness, which has an important connection with the curriculum cultivation in the national emphasis on “foster virtue through educationâ€. This paper focuses on the teaching characteristics of art and design courses in Chinese universities and conducts an empirical study on how to nurture people in the curriculum construction of art and design majors. This paper explores the teaching methods based on aesthetic education, moral education, labor education, etc. to educate students in a “silent and soft†way and realize the educational goal of “educating people with cultureâ€.
How to Cite
Liang, C., Yu, T., Xi, B., & Liu, Z. (2022). Empirical Research on the Teaching of Art and Design Courses based on the Concept of Cultural Nurturing. Learning & Education, 10(9), 143-144. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3234


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