The Dilemma of Public Organizations’ Participation in Collaborative Public Crisis Management and the Way Out

  • Yingjie Liu School of grammar and law, China University of mining and Technology
Article ID: 3230
Keywords: Public Organizationsï¼›Public Crisisï¼›Collaborative Governanceï¼›New Crown Epidemic


The outbreak of novel coronary pneumonia in 2020 and its development into a worldwide public health event will be a severe test of the government’s overall governance capacity. The trend of modern public crisis management is to gradually move toward collaborative governance with the participation of multiple actors. The more a modernized society develops, the more the capacity of a single government entity is prone to failure, and the more it requires the participation of various social forces to play a collaborative and functional role. The current ability of local governments to integrate resources and organize social forces is facing many problems and challenges compared with the requirements of economic and social development. However, when a country is facing a major public crisis, the power of public organizations is essential, and it is worth studying how to play its role properly and create synergy with other forces.
How to Cite
Liu, Y. (2022). The Dilemma of Public Organizations’ Participation in Collaborative Public Crisis Management and the Way Out. Learning & Education, 10(9), 135-136.


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