On the Construction of University Education Governance System

  • Qingrui Xie Hunan Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College
Article ID: 3216
Keywords: University Education, Governance System, Construction


In recent years, with the further development of liberal education, it has brought great opportunities for the innovation of higher education in China. However, colleges and universities have always been the cradle of sending high-quality talents to the society. In the new era, how to better build the university education system is still the key issue to be considered. In view of this, this paper will focus on the analysis of the background of the construction of the university education governance system, understand the problems existing in the construction, and at the same time put forward suggestions on the construction principles and specific optimization strategies, in order to better promote the optimization and improvement of the university education governance system.
How to Cite
Xie, Q. (2022). On the Construction of University Education Governance System. Learning & Education, 10(9), 107-108. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3216


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