German and Austrian Art Songs in the Romantic Period

  • Qian Li Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences)
Article ID: 3215
Keywords: German-Austrian art song, Romantic period, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms


German and Austrian art songs are the mainstream of art songs in the Romantic period and occupy a very important position in the whole European music history. In this paper, the author will elaborate on three broad aspects, namely, the background of the Romantic period, the origin and development of art songs and several specific composers, especially in terms of composers, and analyze and study Schubert, Schumann and Brahms, hoping to provide References: for readers who want to understand art songs.
How to Cite
Li, Q. (2022). German and Austrian Art Songs in the Romantic Period. Learning & Education, 10(9), 105-106.


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