Thoughts on Fashion Design Education in Colleges and Universities Under the Environment of Fashion Market

  • Bin Sun Taishan College
Article ID: 3204
Keywords: Clothing market Environment, College Fashion Design, Educational Implementation


In the context of the rapid development of modern society, colleges and universities have opened different majors, and many colleges and universities have also abolished many majors. Among them, the proportion of design majors in the cancellation of undergraduate majors in Colleges and universities is becoming higher and higher in recent years, and clothing design is the first to bear the brunt. In the process of research, it can be found that the reason for its professional revocation is that in the process of education implementation, teachers do not consider based on the market and do not take the service market as the leading role in the process of professional training of talents. In this case, it is difficult for students to adapt to the market after learning. Therefore, under the background of vigorously promoting educational innovation in China, colleges and universities must fully consider the garment design education based on the garment market environment, build a new education system and ensure the quality of talent training.
How to Cite
Sun, B. (2022). Thoughts on Fashion Design Education in Colleges and Universities Under the Environment of Fashion Market. Learning & Education, 10(9), 83-84.


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