A Comparative Study of Chinese and English NEV Advertising Slogans from the Perspective of High/Low- Context Culture

  • Zhenhong Qi School of English, Beijing Language and Culture University
Article ID: 3193
Keywords: High/low context culture, Advertising culture, New Energy Vehicle


Contextual culture plays a crucial role in cross-cultural communication as the background cultural environment of language. American anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s high and low contextual culture theory, is the most influential and representative. When we look at advertising culture through the threshold of high and low context culture, we will find noticeable differences in the expressions of advertising slogans in Chinese and English. Chinese advertisements are subtle and indirect in their expressions, while English advertisements usually use natural and active language. This paper intends to analyze the cultural differences in context to compare the differences between Chinese and English advertising slogans in different cultural contexts and the deep-seated cultural reasons.
How to Cite
Qi, Z. (2022). A Comparative Study of Chinese and English NEV Advertising Slogans from the Perspective of High/Low- Context Culture. Learning & Education, 10(9), 56-58. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3193


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