A Study of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Eco-feminism

  • Tianmeihui Chen Changchun Guanghua University
  • Chenhui Bi Changchun Guanghua University
Article ID: 3185
Keywords: Eco-feminism ï¼›Gone with the Wind ï¼›Women nature ï¼›Harmony


Gone with the Wind, known as an “encyclopedia of the plantation legendâ€, is the masterpiece of famous American female writer Margret Mitchell. In 1937, the novel were rewarded the Pulitzer Prize. In Gone with the Wind, Margret sets the background of the American Civil War and describes a series of female characters who endow totally distinguished personality and destiny. Each of them makes different life choice when they are facing tough life and plights in their life. The novel vividly shows the awareness of eco-feminism. From the perspective of eco-feminist, there is close relationship between women and nature. Nature conveys the emotion of women. Female not only represents the power of nature but also is a protector of nature. To build a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature, in addition, eco-feminism is object to the oppression of female and nature under the patriarchal concept, advocating using rebellious spirit to resist man’s oppression. Therefore, in order to further the research of the novel, the essay will study Gone with the Wind from the view of eco-feminism.
How to Cite
Chen, T., & Bi, C. (2022). A Study of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Eco-feminism. Learning & Education, 10(9), 30-33. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i9.3185


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