Research on the Present Situation and Optimization Strategy of PE Teaching Under the Background of PE Middle School Entrance Examination

  • Xiaoting Gao Zhejiang Normal University
Article ID: 3028
Keywords: Middle School Physical Education Examination, Physical Education, Current situation, Strategy


Junior middle school stage is the key period of teenagers’physical and mental development.It is an effective measure to improve the national system to bring physical education into the middle school entrance examination,and at the same time,it has certain influence on junior middle school physical education.This research mainly uses the literature material method,under the sports middle school examination background junior middle school physical education teaching present situation,simultaneously proposes with how to optimize the physical education teaching may refer the strategy.
How to Cite
Gao, X. (2022). Research on the Present Situation and Optimization Strategy of PE Teaching Under the Background of PE Middle School Entrance Examination. Learning & Education, 10(7), 235-236.


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