Research on the Development of College Football Curriculum Under the Background of Epidemic Normality

  • Yongfeng Zhao School of Physical Education Science, Lingnan Normal University;Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt Development Research Center, Lingnan Normal University
  • Lei Ma Jilin Institute of physical education
Article ID: 3021
Keywords: Epidemic situation, College football, Curriculum development


Since the beginning of 2020, various countries have been influenced by COVID-19 since the whole world, all industries have been seriously negatively affected, and even some social enterprises have disappeared under the influence of the epidemic. In addition to the most affected society, school students are one of the most seriously affected groups. Because of the epidemic, many students are unable to attend classes normally. In this context, college football courses are also limited.Taking micro class as an example, this paper analyzes how to make college football courses continue to develop under the influence of the epidemic.
How to Cite
Zhao, Y., & Ma, L. (2022). Research on the Development of College Football Curriculum Under the Background of Epidemic Normality. Learning & Education, 10(7), 221-222.


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