Research on Practical English Translation Based on Ecological Translation Theory

  • Wei Zhang Xi`an FanYi University
Article ID: 3016
Keywords: Ecological translation theory, Three-dimensional transformation, Practical English


At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution in the world are presenting a historic intersection, and the pace of industrial structure upgrading and revolution is accelerating. Both the world and China need to cultivate more and better skilled and practical talents, especially those with practical English translation skills. Practical English, as the name implies, focuses on practicality, mainly refers to the English applicable in the workplace environment or in business activities. Ecological translation theory emphasizes that translators should transition to the ecological environment of the source language background, then adapt to the elements in their environment and convert the information into a language that can be connected to the target environment.
How to Cite
Zhang, W. (2022). Research on Practical English Translation Based on Ecological Translation Theory. Learning & Education, 10(7), 211-212.


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