The Construction of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability Cultivation Ecosystem from the Perspective of Maker Culture

  • Mingfei Ma Anhui University of Finance & Economics
Article ID: 3014
Keywords: Maker culture, College students, Innovation and entrepreneurship


The development and training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents is the basic support for enhancing the national core competitiveness, and the training of innovative and entrepreneurial talents has become an important mission of higher education. From the perspective of maker culture, the cultivation of college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability has the dilemma of deviation of educational concept, weakened educational carrier, and inefficient evaluation of quality,To this end, build an information network, innovate the education system, and create a cultivation ecology of educational atmosphere, in order to cultivate more campus makers.
How to Cite
Ma, M. (2022). The Construction of College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability Cultivation Ecosystem from the Perspective of Maker Culture. Learning & Education, 10(7), 207-208.


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