Explore How to Integrate Curriculum Ideology and Politics into the Content of Computer Basic Courses in Colleges and Universities

  • Kun Deng Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology
Article ID: 3013
Keywords: Curriculum Ideology and Politics, Colleges and Universities, Computer basic course


General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward six requirements for the majority of Ideological and political theory teachers at the National Forum on Ideological and political theory teachers, such as “strong politicsâ€, “deep feelingsâ€, “new thinkingâ€, “wide visionâ€, “strict self-discipline†and “correct personalityâ€. It is an important educational task to carry out ideological and political education in Colleges and universities. This paper discusses and studies how to integrate the ideological and political courses into the content of basic computer courses, so as to promote the updating of the content system of basic courses.
How to Cite
Deng, K. (2022). Explore How to Integrate Curriculum Ideology and Politics into the Content of Computer Basic Courses in Colleges and Universities. Learning & Education, 10(7), 205-206. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i7.3013


[1] Xi Jinping.We should put ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching, and create a new situation in the development of higher education in ChinaPeople's daily, 2016-12-09 (1)

[2] Xi Jinping.Speech at the symposium between teachers and students of Peking University [M]People's publishing house, 2018:5

[3] Xi Jinping.We should use the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to cultivate people, implement the party's educational policy, and implement the fundamental task of moral educationPeople's daily, March 19, 2019 (1)