The Influencing Factors on Profitability of Hong Kong Airport

  • Shuyue Geng Hefei Science and Technology College
Article ID: 3011
Keywords: Hong Kong Airport, Profitability, Regression, Influence


Hong Kong is an internationally renowned tourist city, so exploring profitability of the airport is also of great significance for effectively developing the economy of Hong Kong. This paper collects relevant influencing factors and profit. To avoid nonlinear correlation and higher independent coefficient, logarithmic and factor analysis are used. So the variables are divided into factor1 includes most variables and factor2 includes aircraft movements for specific purpose. A regression model is established for the two factors. It can be seen from the model that the all variables selected in the paper have a positive impact on airport profitability.
How to Cite
Geng, S. (2022). The Influencing Factors on Profitability of Hong Kong Airport. Learning & Education, 10(7), 201-202.


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