Research on the Influence Mechanism of Artificial Intelligence Technology on the Career of Animation Practitioners in the Future

  • Yuxian Bai College of Art and Design, Geely University
  • Junjie Fan College of Art and Design, Geely University
Article ID: 3008
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Animation production, Animation


In the future, artificial intelligence technology will replace a lot of repetitive work, and in the process of animation creation, many are repetitive work, such as character animation, light rendering, physical effect simulation and so on. The difference between artificial intelligence technology and true human is emotion and imagination, and animation is a way to express human emotion through different roles and stories. Only by constantly exploring how to express role emotion through a good story can let future animation practitioners meet the needs of future animation development.
How to Cite
Bai, Y., & Fan, J. (2022). Research on the Influence Mechanism of Artificial Intelligence Technology on the Career of Animation Practitioners in the Future. Learning & Education, 10(7), 195-196.


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