Research on the Construction and Practice of Intelligent Library Service Model in Higher Education

  • Xiang Tian Shandong Vocational College of Industry
Article ID: 2995
Keywords: Wisdom Library, Service Model Construction, Practice Research


With the continuous development of China’s economy and society, information technology and Internet technology have played an important role and influence in the development and operation of various industries. The construction of higher vocational libraries can also apply advanced information technology to library construction and management, which can not only strengthen the functionality and service of higher vocational libraries, but also accelerate the pace of urban wisdom construction. To provide higher vocational students with a better learning environment. In this paper, we will analyze the service mode of higher vocational intelligent library and propose improvement measures for practical construction for reference.
How to Cite
Tian, X. (2022). Research on the Construction and Practice of Intelligent Library Service Model in Higher Education. Learning & Education, 10(7), 169-170.


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