An Interpretation of the A Wind-storm in the Forests——from the Perspective of Material Ecocriticism

  • Qingxia He School of English Language Studies, Beijing International Studies University
Article ID: 2992
Keywords: John Muir, Material Ecocriticism, A Wind-storm in the Forests


An analysis of A Wind-storm in the Forests from the perspective of Material Ecocriticism reveals that Storm has a threedimensional connotation of the agentic power, the ability to generate meaning and narrative capacity. The Storm has the agency to nourish and soothe the trees, and to present its invisible figure through the trees. Under the construction of social discourse, the storm represents the ecosystem of all living things, linking humans and trees into an interactive community with equal role. The Storm also tells the story of the human initiative into the wilderness and the equality between man and trees, reflecting the ecological text of humans interacting with non-human matters and coexisting with nature equally under the contemporary discourse.
How to Cite
He, Q. (2022). An Interpretation of the A Wind-storm in the Forests——from the Perspective of Material Ecocriticism. Learning & Education, 10(7), 163-164.


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