World in Sound, Consciousness in Fury---Comment on The Sound and the Fury

  • Qing Huang Talent International College Guangxi
Article ID: 2991
Keywords: Sound, World, Fury, Consciousness


The Sound and The Fury is a work which Faulkner like it best and try his most efforts to write .it is also his first mature novel. There are lots of multiple narrative points of view and stream of consciousness writing technique applied in the novel, which make the novel puzzling illusory, obscure and hard understand, Just as Faulkner’s life. [1] He experienced many setbacks and impacts in his life so that he wanted to express his inner emotion by creating all kinds of morbid figures telling the turbulent consciousness in the novel. He mentioned Yoknapatawpha Jefferson town many times in his works. It’s the world he created. He is the king of the world. He can do whatever he want there just to console himself because the real world he lived is so sound and fury.
How to Cite
Huang, Q. (2022). World in Sound, Consciousness in Fury---Comment on The Sound and the Fury. Learning & Education, 10(7), 161-162.


[1] Bleikasten, André. The Ink of Melancholy: Faulkner’s Novel The Sound and the Fury [M ]. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990.3.

[2] ROBERTS JL. Cliffs Notes on Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Lincoln: Cliffs Notes Inc., 1970.6.

[3] Fu Jun. Dream: the stream of consciousness in the noise and turmoil [J]. The Foreign Literary Review, 1988 (2).